New Zealand consumer rights and safety standards

New Zealand people are protected by consumer laws and manadatory safety standards for the products they purchase and use. Consumer rights allow you to seek repairs, replacements or refunds when goods are faulty, and mandatory product safety standards ensure that certain products incorporate relevant safety features and guidelines in order to be availale for sale in New Zealand.

Mandatory safety standards

Many of the most common baby, toddler and child products supplied to the marketplace are covered by mandatory safety laws. That means that compulsory safety features must be built into these items, and they must also come with guidelines for their safe use.

Some of these items include:

  • baby walkers
  • cots
  • sleeping clothes
  • toys.

Suppliers whose products do not comply with mandatory standards are breaking the law.

The responsibility of retailers

Retailers, as suppliers of goods to the NZ marketplace, must comply with any relevant standards and laws.

Retailers must also roll out recall action plans if an item they sell is found to be defective or unsafe.

Your child’s safety and your peace of mind

When buying products for a baby, toddler or child, ensure that you are doing so from a reputable manufacturer or retailer who complies with the relevant laws.

By doing so, you will not only be protected in theory by the law, but in practice too. An established retailer’s communications will be able to reach you in the event of a product recall; their sales are trackable, and they keep extensive records; and there is more expert guidance at point of sale and better avenues of customer service available. In short, you have recourse in the event you have purchased a faulty or hazardous product or if there is a general product recall.